Instructional Design
As a learning community, our faculty are challenged to explore, incorporate, and become proficient in innovative, technology-enriched best practices for teaching and learning.
The Teaching and Learning Innovation (TLI) team at Gwynedd Mercy University strives to build and support the community by integrating teaching and learning technologies into the classroom.
The TLI team, while not an official part of ITS, works hand-in-hand with ITS to provide support for quality teaching and learning technology tools, resources, pedagogical approaches, and academic assistance to instructors. Faculty members are trained in and encouraged to use a variety of tools for both online and face-to-face instruction.
GMercyU Teaching and Learning Technology Workshops
The Teaching and Learning Innovation team at GMercyU hosts a variety of academic technology workshops; these sessions are held during the fall, spring and summer semesters, both in-person and on Zoom.
For more information, please explore the Teaching and Learning Innovation Sharepoint sites for faculty and students:
- Faculty:
- Student Resources:
GMercyU’s Learning Management System, Canvas, is an online learning environment in which students can access course materials and resources, collaborative assignments, online discussions, and instructions arranged in such a way as to construct shared learning experiences. Used for both fully online learning and face-to-face instruction, Canvas' features include interactive components that are both synchronous and asynchronous. Online discussion boards promote group interactivity, while connecting instructors and students with the outside world.
Faculty members receive training in Canvas as teaching tools and as repositories of course content.
Every student enrolled into the administrative system and assigned to a course receives a Canvas account. As long as Internet access is available, users are able to participate in courses while being globally connected.
Faculty, staff and students access their Canvas accounts via the GMercyU portal.
Interactive Classrooms
Consisting of a data projector, an interactive projector, television or board and a computer workstation, Interactive Classrooms display everything on a computer to a wider audience. Instructors or presenters may annotate directly on the interactive device, allowing the flexibility of the whiteboard to be integrated into classroom instruction. Course materials, lesson plans, websites, e-books, images, Flash programs and shared course work can be developed in Smart Notebook, a native Smart application. Entire projects can be saved and stored as PDF documents, PowerPoint presentations or web pages and placed into Canvas for lesson retention and lesson revision.
The majority of classrooms have interactive systems. For tech support of Interactive Classrooms, contact the IT Service Desk at 215-646-7300, ext. 21444 or email
Web-Conferencing: Zoom and Teams
GMercyU’s premier web-conferencing services include Zoom and Teams which allow users to host online conferences, meetings and classes. All members of the GMercyU community receive both a Zoom and Teams account. Through the use of a web camera and a computer or laptop with Internet connection, faculty members can conduct classes anywhere in the world. Guest lectures, keynote speakers, distance education students and entire external classes have the ability to connect, share resources and collaborate. Class sessions or lectures may also be pre-recorded and uploaded to Canvas for anywhere, anytime access.
For instructions on how to setup a zoom or Teams account, contact the IT Help Desk at 215-646-7300, ext. 21444 or email at
ITS Lunch and Learn Sessions
ITS Lunch and Learn Sessions happen two or three times a semester during lunch time hours and offer tips on best practices for the use of various applications, procedures, and practices commonly used by the GMercyU community. Sessions are announced via the portal and are done virtually through Zoom or TEAMS.
Web Content Accessibility
Institutional Technology Services (ITS), in cooperation with the Office of Student Accessibilities Services, is helping Gwynedd Mercy University to support ADA Compliance laws, including Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) and Section 508. An online, self-paced Accessibilities course has been made available to provide general information about digital compliance, and will serve as a training resource for faculty and staff as they consider designing and providing ADA-compliant course materials.
For more information about accessibililty, please contact the Office of Student Accessibilities Services.