Jobs & Internship Database

icon_handshake_square.pngGMercyU recently partnered with Handshake, a jobs and internship database with more than 250,000 employers. As a GMercyU student, you are automatically signed up - for free! Simply log in with your GMercyU email and begin exploring! If you are a GMercyU alum, you can sign up with your personal email and GMercyU's Career Development Center will quickly approve your request.

Explore Handshake

Career Fairs, Programs and Workshops

Career Development Events

Explore Majors and Careers

My Next Move (Career Assessment)
​What Can I Do with this Major?
3-Step Career Plan
Are You Career Ready? (PDF)
GMercyU Internships

Diversity and Inclusion Resources

Information and career resources for international students, LGBTQ+, racial/ethnic identities, religiously affiliated, students with disabilities, undocumented students, veterans and service members, and women.

Diversity and Inclusion Resources (PDF)

Career Videos

Watch past recorded videos on career presentations and employer discussions on Career Development's YouTube channel.

View YouTube Channel

Resume and Cover Letter Information

Resume, Cover Letter and References Basics (PDF)
Arts and Sciences Student Guide (PDF)
Business Student Guide (PDF)
Education Student Guide (PDF)
Nursing and Health Professions Student Guide (PDF)
Student-Athlete Guide (PDF)
Veteran Guide (PDF)

Job and Internship Search

Job and Internship Search Guide (PDF)
Job Fair Success Guide (PDF)
Networking Guide (PDF)
Informational Interviewing (PDF)


Interview Success Guide (PDF)

Big Interview is an online program that helps you improve your interviewing skills. This is available to all students. Whether you’re interviewing for an internship, job or for graduate school admission, Big Interview has tools to boost your confidence about the interview process. Learn more about Big Interview (PDF).

Explore Big Interview

Follow Us on Twitter/X

Follow GMercyU's Career Development on Twitter/X for upcoming events, career tips, and department news. 

Career Outcomes: Data and Success

2022-2023 Career Outcomes Report (PDF)
2018-2023 Career Outcomes Report (PDF)
LinkedIn: Where Do GMercyU Alumni Work?
Past Internship Sites for GMercyU Students (PDF)
Student Satisfaction and Learning Report (PDF)

Graduate School Information

Graduate School Guide (PDF)
GMercyU Graduate Programs

Contact Us

The Career Development Center is located in the Keiss Library.
Hours: Mon - Fri, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(Contact our office for additional hours.)
Phone: 215-646-7300, ext. 21230